
Edmontons legendary sword club for classes and lessons.

The Edmonton German Fencing Guild

Why Historical Fencing with the Edmonton German Fencing Guild?

  • Fitness - swinging around a 1.5 kg sword will definitely help with that. Those knights were in shape!

  • Learn history - we explore medieval and renaissance texts to inform our practice, many of which are translated and available to the general public. Specifically, we follow the German Lichtenauer tradition.

  • Camaraderie - meet people with similar interests

  • Compete - though competition isn’t for everyone, Alberta is home to several WMA/HEMA tournaments

  • Availability - we have the most available group class times and if you can’t make those, we have private instruction available

  • Expertise - not too interested in longsword? How about sword and buckler? Quarter staff? Daggers? Rapier? Sabre? We have instructors who specialize in a wide variety of historical weaponry and martial arts who are able to accommodate your specific learning goals

  • Cost - one of the lowest cost membership fees for HEMA in Alberta, on par with a gym membership

Learn more about the guild and its philosophy about swordsmanship.