
Codi Ervin

Codi has risen very quickly through the ranks of the organization due to a lasers focus on the mechanics of structure in the art. He is a true Joachim Meyer acolyte and will make sure you are getting correct technique. A very strong individual, he will also expect you to gain in strength and stamina as well as ability.

“Codi is by the book and he teaches to fence the way Meyer (1570) describes in his treatises.” Adam D

Codi crafts a welcoming environment that is focused on functional swordsmanship while remaining staunchly studious to the traditional manuscripts.Ian

Codi is exceptionally passionate about German fencing . he possesses a deep understanding of the source material, encourages historical research, new interpretations and discoveries. Focus on proper form and communication give learners a sense of security and promote a safe learning environment.” Marie

I have taken many private classes with Codi. With his help I was able to fast track my learning and develop the necessary understanding needed. His, attention to details and passion for the art has been invaluable to my experience. In a short time i have become quite efficient with the many styles offered., something that would have taken many years otherwise. I highly recommend Codi to anyone interested in historical martial arts.Matt

Jack Sullivan

The oldest member of the club, Jack has been facilitating the research into historical martial arts for a quarter of a century with a major focus on quarterstaff and short staff. His staff classes are well attended. He is dedicated to the idea that “form trumps technique” and students will emerge from his class with an improved ability to move gracefully.

Jack is very clear with his instruction and incredibly patient, no matter how long it takes us to get a concept, he remains calm and sticks with us until we do..” Adam A

“His unique insights into fighting align into an incredibly efficient curriculum, training better fencers faster.” Chris

“I really liked the structure of the beginners class. Jack did a great job of making sure we had the fundamental elements and foundation to continue building on.” Thomas

“Jack took the time to repeat the foundational skills for every beginner in the class, even when I needed to start at the beginning a few weeks in the row due to my poor coordination and lack of experience in any related martial art. His patience and flexibility in explaining and demonstrating skills to adapt to different learning styles helped me develop confidence and created an environment where it was safe to try and mess up and try again. In addition, every class – even beginner ones – included some extra little fun or advanced skill to try out without the expectation of mastery to give us something to look forward to mastering in the future. Now that I am an intermediate learner, he still sprinkles his advice during sessions in a way that provides a few solid skills to work on, and a few challenging ones to think about for the future. In this way, I leave practice feeling like I have improved but also look forward to learning more the next time.” Amanda