
Quarterstaff Class

9:00 - 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mornings

6:00 - 7:00 Thursdays

The Quarterstaff Class is a Run as a warm up session for the sword work that follows it. It is a extremely effective and historically accurate method for learning the underlying principals of weapon study. The session is run by Jack Sullivan who has been developing the art for twenty five years. No equipment is needed, but you should wear comfortable athletic clothing. This class is very popular and often at capacity. Be on time to ensure your place as it is first come first serve.

Long Sword (Two handed)

9:40 -11:45 a.m. Sunday mornings

7:00 - 9:00 pm. Thursday Evenings

Once you have decided that historical European martial arts might be something you would like to commit to, this class will be where all the hard work will begin. This curriculum is taken directly from the older Liechtenauer tradition and its codexes. It focuses on technique, form and control as you develop the building blocks needed for the next level of the art. You will need a mask, and gloves. In many cases the club has loaner gear for those getting started. See the equipment list for more information.

Free Fencers

Sundays 11:30 a.m. -Noon

Thursdays 7:00 - 9:00 pm.

Once you have a full set of gear and have demonstrated a moderate level of ability, you may be invited to participate as a “free fencer”.

This class time is open to all levels please feel welcome to come, however Thursday evenings sees time and space prioritized and given to the senior participants who are usually preparing for tournaments. You will find willing partners of all levels to work with using a variety of medieval and renaissance trainers. FULL KIT IS MANDATORY for free fencing.

Personal Interest Styles

While long sword forms the basis of the beginners curriculum, we have several members who specialize and instruct in other medieval and renaissance martial arts. This includes: sword and buckler, quarterstaff/spear/halberd, sidesword/rapier, dussack, dagger and many more. Join the Discord to connect with our members and learn more.